
Tommy Chen
3 min readFeb 7, 2018


Education is a contraversial topic in the twenty first century, especially in Australia. With the Australian curriculum laid out as it is, the first 11 years of school at most public high schools promote less pressure at school and more fun. However, in grades 11 and 12, the workload would skyrocket. This, from my assumptions would help more people stay in school. I believe this is much a fail, as this a terrible education plan for most students. Yes, people would find school much easier however, it’s hard to think that VCE content is so difficult and complex, and it’s year 11, one year from VCE when we start tackling the issue. “It’s Year 9, have fun” was something one of my teachers said. Our curriculum should increase the intensity of workload from late Year 8 and Year 9 to increase success in the VCE years to make more successful students that are more mentally capable.

The ATAR or VCE in Australia could completely change and the meaning for such a mark could be useless in the near future. Australia needs to develop a new way to educate the students of the twenty first century into capable young men and women able to promote economic and technological development in Australia. Australia is currently falling well behind most countries in the world such as the UK, USA, China, South East Asia and other countries that we used to be ahead in literacy, mathematics, and sciences. We aren’t nurturing the importance of studies from the very beginning, and we need to develop new ways to promote young talent in the classroom and in the workforce. Australia is currently ranked 39 out of 41 countries from the European Union, only ahead of Romania and Turkey in proficiency in core subjects at 15 years if age.

Since our society is developing so quickly, there is need of experienced new workers who have innovative, creative minds and very capable working abilities. Australia requires to improve its education systems to educate more capable students into good schools, top universities and into the workforce. It’s hard to see more and more young people graduating from universities having pressure moulding into society. Even though, graduates from top universities such as Monash and Melbourne are more likely to have better pay and great futures, there is still financial stress on their shoulders as an adult. 4.7 years on average for young people to gain stable earnings to pay off debt, start saving for a home, maybe start a family, and other increasing expenses are added to the list.

In this world, education is a must if you want to live in this world. My education here at Melbourne High School is something special but ordinary to progress in this world. I believe from my time at Melbourne High School, I firstly will learn and process knowledge to get good marks, but secondly using the skills and effort to receive the good marks and apply them to other events in life such as work experience and maybe others.

